Why would you choose mobile CCTV solutions instead of static CCTV? Here are some scenarios where mobile CCTV might be better than static, traditional CCTV.
The typical audience for mobile CCTV solutions are building sites, non-traditional structures like salvage yards, and remote properties with fewer solid structures.
Mobile CCTV units, such as Sentry Guard Plus, provide all the benefits of static CCTV, but they are mobile and versatile, and can be moved and changed as your site moves and changes.
Traditional CCTV solutions are still very popular, specifically when working with static structures and requirements. As a general rule, static buildings with static requirements are ideal candidates for static CCTV units. And although these cameras can be set to move and scan an area, they are restricted by wall positioning.
In that regard, if your required protected area fluctuates, then Sentry Guard might be the way to go.
See our technical specifications to understand more about Sentry Guard units. There are many applications for these portable (yet anti-theft protected) units; and they are certainly more versatile than traditional wall-mounted units. If you have any questions, please contact us.